Test Patch D44 has some more improvements including better (safer) braking and faster bikes. I've tried to deal with some of the issues that come up when bikes are allowed to go faster.
- improve line following by fixing a physics flaw
- taking off over bumps at high speed
- braking too hard for their ability
- unnecessary downshifts
The bikes are a fair bit faster now but there are some issues, with some bikes on some tracks. If you have problems you can turn them down to (approximately) their D43 speed by selecting OK instead of PRO.
- Mod 'Cruiser' keeps crashing at AS4 due to wobbles at speed
- Fast bikes crash due to bumps before the South City underpass
I can't yet make LFS detect which bikes will be a problem so should go slower, or detect where fine bumps will bounce them into the air, but it's more fun to let the AI go faster so at this point I think it's better to leave it up to you to slow the bikes manually when needed.
The car AI drivers are better at staying on their line at the corners because of two changes: (1) taking account of engine braking and (2) allowing an extra safety margin when braking. In some cases they may be slightly slower but it's a reasonable price to pay for much more reliable AI across the board.
Other known issues:
- AI can sometimes stall but don't know how to restart engine.
- Some karts at some tracks can repeatedly regenerate path (waiting to reproduce).
- AI were reported as being rougher in D43. Maybe they are better now they have a braking safety margin?
- EV regen does not correctly match brake force. E.g. front and rear force arrows not equal at 50% balance.
Changes in D44:
Improved bike physics (affects lean angle and tyre forces)
FIX: Engine brake reduction had no effect for EV but was visible
FIX: Replay OOS after a reset attempt was prevented and long wait
Bike cornering and acceleration limits increased by 25%
Bikes slow to avoid taking off over large humps in the road
AI braking prediction now takes account of engine braking
Braking prediction includes a safety margin to avoid late braking
Avoid unnecessary downshifts by looking ahead to see if needed
Reset is available even after engine switched off after long wait
FIX: Sometimes could reach a maximum speed and stop accelerating